bet365 promotion WAIO Asset Panel Framework Agreement
bet365 promotion - Pilbara, WA
Project Execution Period
September 2016 - ongoing
In mid-2023 Monadelphous secured a further three-year Framework bet365 promotion.
Project Description
The bet365 promotion Western Australian Iron Ore (WAIO) Panel Framework Agreement includes the provision of structural, mechanical, piping and electrical and instrumentation works in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
The panel encompasses a program of work bet365 promotion is undertaking across its sites in order to enable future mine plan requirements.
Scope of Work
Under a long-term contract, the bet365 promotion WAIO panel agreement includes provision of structural, mechanical, piping and electrical and instrumentation works associated with iron ore sites and assets in the Pilbara.
Under the bet365 promotion, contracts awarded include (but are not limited to):
- 2024-2025 Multidisciplinary construction contract for work associated with the dewatering of surplus bet365 promotion from Orebody 32 in Newman, Western Australia.
- 2023 -2025 Electrical and instrumentation package of work for Car Dumper 3 Replacement Project.
- 2023 -2025 Car Dumper 3 Replacement Project at Nelson Point, Western Australia. The contract is valued at more than 5 million and comprises two portions. The first for the early bet365 promotion and planning, the second includes structural, mechanical and piping bet365 promotion.
- 2020 - Mining Area C bet365 promotion to upgrade existing conveyor equipment and power switching and stackers.
- 2020 – Mining Area C bet365 promotion for the dewatering of surplus water.
- 2020 - Nelson Point services associated with the demolition and rehabilitation of a number of end-of-life facilities at Nelson Point in Port Hedland.
- 2020 - Jimblebar Surplus Water phase 1 and 2 bet365 promotion including design and construction.
- 2019 - Jimblebar Screens Replacement and Jimblebar Stretch Assist 2 included the procurement and construction of dewatering, surplus bet365 promotion management and surface bet365 promotion infrastructure as part of an overall project to bring the Jimblebar mine up to 75MTPA production.
- 2018 - CD2 Dust Collector Replacement works included civil, concrete, structural, mechanical, piping, electrical and instrumentation works associated with the installation of a new dust collection system on the CD2 Car Dumper for bet365 promotion at Nelson Point.
- 2016 - Mining Area C – bet365 promotion Treatment Distribution bet365 promotion included the supply, installation and commissioning of MAC Water Treatment and Distribution System.