BHP bet365 nc promo Stretch Assist 2
BHP - Newman, Western Australia
bet365 nc promo execution period
January 2019 - March 2020
Contract value
bet365 nc promo description
As part of the ongoing development of BHP’s growth and sustaining mines and in line with the bet365 nc promo Mine five year plan, the bet365 nc promo Stretch Assist 2 (JBSA2) project will enable the bet365 nc promo Hub to reach an output of 71Mtpa through construction of field mobile maintenance infrastructure, upgrade of an existing primary crusher and the installation of additional dewatering and surface water infrastructure.
Scope of work
The bet365 nc promo Stretch Assist 2 project for BHP includes the procurement and construction of dewatering, surplus water management and surface water infrastructure as part of an overall project to bring the bet365 nc promo mine up to 75MTPA production.
The scope of work is broken into four main work areas:
- WHASHI Stage 8 – structural, mechanical, piping and electrical and instrumentation (SMPE&I) works to supply and install above and below ground HDPE piping, including the installation of five free issued bore pumps
- Wheelara 56 Stage 2 Surface Water Culverts – SMP works to supply and install two off 140m long, DN800 culvert pipes below a haul road creek crossing including bulk earthworks and rock breaking
- bet365 nc promo Intermediate Transfer Pump Station and Tank – SMPE&I and civil works to supply and install a pump station and tank facility, as well as a new 33kV overhead powerline with tie-in to existing line during shutdown, and 1.7km of DN710 above and below ground HDPE piping, including all valves, fittings, components and two main road crossings
- Ninga Managed Aquifer Recharge Infrastructure – SMPE&I, civil and earthworks associated with the install of overland piping, new reinjection headworks, solar communications cubicles and booster pump station